Saturday, August 2, 2008

God Plays Sword Better Than Ninja

A'karikz Yannaing

Rays of sword
Land on the face of unknown product
Day of life been born
Ninja practices sword-kisses at dawn

Go there to arrive
Hold that to survive
Make this to exist
Break it to exit
Duty never complain fighting shifts

Half choice been used
Half prize been paid
Half life been wounded
In the half day on the half way
Hardly handle and head up
The rest fights are heated up by noon

Don't over decorate the abilities
Don't under estimate the enemies
Lessons are must be learned
Actions are must be done
All the individual destinations are must be grouped
All the practical ammunitions are must be used
No matter for the corpse or for the king,
Twilights and sake both tasted nicer in victory glass
But nothing in the evening victoriously ever last

An experienced Ninja's life is full of pains and strong to last
An experienced Ninja's knife is full ruins and down to earth
An outstanding history is full indefatigable hates and loves
Ninja must build a tight-fit place for a sword in his heart

Scornful sword silently sleeps on skeleton
No one knows why
God only chop between body and soul
His sword is always skillful than any title leader's
Even he doesn't practice what he preaches,
His word is always lengthier than any bible believer's

A'karikz Yannaing